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Presents are anything physical or material object given by one person to another for a variety of reasons.  It is something that is heartily given out of kindness, charity, and good intentions (although some might give presents in exchange for favors). Presents are given for free and reciprocating or giving back something to the giver is not expected, unless it is Christmas time and both are exchanging gifts.  It creates a sort of bond that helps develop the closeness of two or more individuals like in families, friends, co-workers, or acquaintances. 

Usually presents are wrapped in colorful paper or plastic like material and bound together with a complementary-colored ribbon.  This is to add more mystery to the contents of the package. It also allows the giver to show their creativity and effort to it.  There is usually a card attached to the front which denotes where the card was from and who it is intended to.  According to certain beliefs, tearing out the wrapper when opening the gift gives good luck to the recipient.  In China, giving of gifts in red packages also symbolizes good luck. 

Another way of presenting gifts in unique ways is through the use of a basket wrapped with cellophane where one can see the contents or in a unique bag particularly if the contents are many and cannot be wrapped creatively in any other way. 

Where and when the giving of presents started is difficult to trace but it probably started with the belief in Santa Claus, a popular figure during Christmas time known to give presents to nice children.  This somehow started the giving of presents during Christmas where gifts are placed under the tree and opened on Christmas morning.  Exchanging of gifts also happens during this time.

Presents are also customarily given during various occasions like birthdays, weddings, wedding anniversaries, funerals (flowers), birth, graduation, Father’s day, and Mother’s Day.  Gifts are also given during the retirement of a person, during the blessing of a home as a house warming present, and in celebration to the addition of a new baby in the home.  Presents can also be given to express love like in Valentine’s Day, to express friendship, gratitude, charity, and solidarity.  Some people give gifts to others as a form of Thanksgiving for all the graces and blessings they received.  Some might give them to ask forgiveness and to lessen the suffering of one person.  A person who has gone abroad and is home might also bring presents as souvenirs to their loved ones and close friends.

Choosing the right and perfect gift for the occasion might be difficult and quite confusing with the many options to choose from.  For Valentine’s Day, what are commonly given are flowers, chocolates, and cute stuffed animals?  For funerals, it is usually flowers or sympathy cards.  However, for other occasions, there are several things one can give based on the budget, the recipient’s activities, and the choices of the giver.  One should simply give from the heart.


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